Friday, November 2, 2007

entry 2: music is a forgery!

i think about this practice is OK if it does not take that much room or if is not smellable!
i have any ethical reservations about downloading software or music. reasons why is sometimes is really safe in some software's, but when their is too much downloading everything will corrupt! and brake plus DESTROY THE ENTIRE WORLD!!!!!!!BAD REASON #2 downloading can make people spazztisic out when they do not have What u want!!!!! i think their is only one valid reason why people want to download........ oh yeah is to get any music or video you may want or role-playing games! download any of these may corrupt your computer or laptop! but i may do this a couple times to get the j-pop songs i really want ! sometimes when i watch a new anime or listen to an amv that has a really good english or japanese song , i kind of want to get the song for sounding really cute or that i know the artist. so majority is downloading is used all the time for a great purpose for gamers, listeners! oh yeah back to the topic "pirating" does that mean stealing from the source?! well